View Full Version : Anyone have Astralavista(member here) phone number or know him in real life?

13th July 2007, 06:49 PM
Hey guys,

I am trying to purchase astra lights off him but he hasnt replied to my emails since Monday, so wondering if anyone can contact him and tell him to check his email :)


14th July 2007, 09:46 AM
i got his number

16th July 2007, 09:23 PM
Hi guys I been away since selling my AH CDX and sulking about ...so sad ...but at least the girl who bought it was absolutely fantastic...I am now driving daughters Vectra b and need to get the dash out so I'll go searching on the site.

I have the LAST set of lights left for sale and a few sets of spoilers.

Email is good

17th July 2007, 04:47 PM
Mate, i want those lights, i have been trying to contact you for a week, with no reply.

I have emailed you 3 times, and sent 3 PM's. Nice to see you back :D

Please get back to me.

Email is : mturiano@bigpond.net.au