View Full Version : OpelAus banner pics

1st February 2008, 04:22 PM
Hi All,

After talking with a member last night, the idea came up to personalise OA a bit more. The banner up the top, as much as i love it, can be more personalised.

What I want to do is have members cars randomly popping up in the banner instead.

Size for the banner needs to be 750x156.
If you want your car up there, or have a great photo of another members car, send the pic to paulyj@opelaus.com, and i'll post them up.

If I get a heap of photo's, I'll make a poll out of it, and members can vote on which ones they want up there.

All the best,


1st February 2008, 09:41 PM
feel free to use mine.
in the members car section, you know the one, car car FTW [=

1st February 2008, 09:44 PM
Please email paulyj@opelaus.com your images. We will not be searching on the site for members cars.

Permission must be granted to use the images and if you would like your car to take pride of place on the site please send them to PaulyJ.

4th February 2008, 11:08 AM
Thanks for that Amanda.
I really dont have the time to be searching for pics and stuff. As Amanda said, if you want your car up there, send the pic and i'll decide.

Also the pic I'd prefer to be 750x156, same size as above. If its not that size, please make sure it is atleast 750 px wide and 156 px high.

That way when I'me resizing etc, the quality remains good. Enlarging pics doesn't always turn out the best.

Thanks, and keep them coming. I have a few really good ones so far.

7th February 2008, 10:02 AM
Anymore coming through?
If not, I'll get stuck into the editing, and post up a poll.

14th February 2008, 12:46 AM
Competition closed.

Will post up the new images soon.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to send the photo's in.



8th March 2008, 03:01 PM
Playing with a few images at the moment. You may see some randomly pop up in the banner.

11th March 2008, 07:48 PM
Banners are finished
Thanks to those who submitted their photo's, and for helping make OA a bit more personalised.