View Full Version : bah humbug

17th May 2008, 07:24 PM
well long story short... we think the immobilizer was tripped, causing car to not start

(went to start car and it wouldn't start despite our best efforts)

coincidently i was at matt's place so we hired a trailer and towed the Astra on the trailer up behind his Combo for about 100ish kms :dance:

I'll have to call holden and get them to sort it out

that was a long bloody day...

thanks again to matt and chris for all your help getting my car back home :clap: (where i can arrange to get it to my holden dealer - which is now within 50km)

btw i've been up for about 25 hours now so the day just went on and on and on

95' GSI
17th May 2008, 07:32 PM
well long story short... we think the immobilizer was tripped, causing car to not start

(went to start car and it wouldn't start despite our best efforts)

coincidently i was at matt's place so we hired a trailer and towed the Astra on the trailer up behind his 1.4 Combo (in the rain) for about 100ish kms :dance:

LOTS of tire spinning from what i heard from my mates car :p

I'll have to call holden and get them to sort it out

that was a long bloody day...

thanks again to matt and chris for all your help getting my car back home :clap: (where i can arrange to get it to my holden dealer - which is now within 50km)

btw i've been up for about 25 hours now so the day just went on and on and on

Ah that sucks, good luck sorting it out. Have fun with holden :p

18th May 2008, 11:29 AM
cheers, charged the battery up this morning so they wont be able to try and blame that (it got drained on the drive back home coz the trailer had no tail lights - so had to use astra's parkers)

car is under extended warranty til 2010 - under previous owner, would this still apply for me?

18th May 2008, 11:47 AM
cheers, charged the battery up this morning so they wont be able to try and blame that (it got drained on the drive back home coz the trailer had no tail lights - so had to use astra's parkers)

car is under extended warranty til 2010 - under previous owner, would this still apply for me?

depends if you transferred it.

18th May 2008, 12:12 PM
yeah no luck there, didn't know the original owner had it and its outside the 30 day transfer period :mad:

18th May 2008, 01:18 PM
damn!!! that sucks!! can u somehow negotiate something on the basis that the previous owner did not tell you??

18th May 2008, 01:28 PM
if it costs too much ill try alternate means

ie people that know people with tech 2

18th May 2008, 06:59 PM
haven't tried it, but a lot of european tuners swear by the kwp2000 and opcom to do the immobiliser recodes.. beats taking it to the dealer or buying a tech2 :)

do a search for opcom, interesting piece of s/ware.

18th May 2008, 08:06 PM
towing a car using a combo sounds down right stupid and dangerous. grossly over weight. especially in the wet :rolleyes:

wheres the highway patrol when you need them

18th May 2008, 08:30 PM
wheres the highway patrol when you need them

because clearly worse things have never been done....


19th May 2008, 06:14 PM
http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Holden-Astra-Vectra-Corsa-Barina-Immo-Key-Programmer_W0QQitemZ170220505535QQihZ007QQcategory Z32053QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

19th May 2008, 06:16 PM
took it to holden today, they want to replace the ecu :(

gonna ask them if they tried resetting it in the morning (after talking to a few people with experience with the ECU)

19th May 2008, 09:19 PM
actually it is JUST over the towing capacity of the combo with a braked trailer.
and the car has more then enough braking capability with the uprated front brakes that they get (and the trailers brakes of coarse), and has more then enough grunt to pull it, had enough to cruise at the speed limit plus the 10% leway when needed.
so there is no real danger, and it wasnt overloading the cars specs ata ll including towbar weight and rear axle weight, just the "recomended" braked towing capacity. i have driven with trailers enough to know if is safe or not, so dont worry bout that.
now the audi that i towed, that was definately overweight :p.

21st May 2008, 01:29 PM
work finally completed

they replaced ecu

cost $1623 all up

shit happens but thats how it goes

21st May 2008, 01:57 PM
work finally completed

they replaced ecu

cost $1623 all up

shit happens but thats how it goes

:eek: :eek: ... $1623!! thats is EXPENSIVE! how much was labour?

21st May 2008, 01:59 PM
considering they originally quoted me 2500 im not too phased

a bit of that would probably be tech2 hours too...

21st May 2008, 02:35 PM
couldnt u have got a second hand one for like $500??

glad its all fixed though:)

21st May 2008, 03:38 PM
worked out to be $315 labour, $1163.25 for ecu, rest tax

getting a 2nd hand ecu would take a while, then i'd have to get it reprogrammed anyway. combine that with moving the vehicle around it was too much trouble

22nd May 2008, 01:43 PM
..wonder if it actually was a -new- ecu they gave you :)

Should've given AAS a call, he had a box full of various ecu's laying around (plus immobo's and ignition rings)

22nd May 2008, 01:54 PM
they could have reprogrammed ur current one.