View Full Version : $30m Ferrari?

5th September 2008, 12:53 PM


Widespread during Monterey Week was the rumor that a Ferrari 250 GTO privately traded hands for a whopping $30,000,000. And yes, that is not a typo.

Sports Car Digest has yet to definitively confirm the rumor, but the sale is very believable as Ferrari prices have been on a tear, particularly for the very finest models. The best confirmation of the sale we have found is the typical, “I know a guy who knows a guy that knows the buyer.”

Therefore, if you know the buyer, you are the buyer or you hold insider information of this milestone deal, please contact Sports Car Digest at mail@sportscardigest.com or post a response below, so we can put this trade on the books.

While $30,000,000 may be a mind-blowing amount of money to pay for a car, the buyer is also buying a true work of art and one of only 36 Ferrari 250 GTOs, the most famous of all Ferraris. Compared to the price paid for a Jackson Pollock, a Picasso or a Monet, this rumored sale has to be considered a sensible purchase.

5th September 2008, 04:47 PM
I love the 250GTO, but for 30mil... ?

5th September 2008, 04:50 PM
just think of how many GT-R's you could buy :p

5th September 2008, 05:29 PM
i was just going to say, i would rather 200 GT-Rs
or 2,000 Barina SRis :dance:

never understood why you would buy a car just to collect it to be honest
you can bet that ancient $30 mil ferrari will get driven from the auction into its new owners garage and then never see the road again

$30mil for a Picasso, sure. but a car is made to be driven, or you aren't bloody using it like it's supposed to be used!

5th September 2008, 05:38 PM
I'd still rather an sri turbo corsa/c

5th September 2008, 07:45 PM
Does not suprise me that one some one has that kind of money and two spends that kind of money on a car.

There is a Rolls Royce that is insured for over 40million. Just check out the prices some of the cars go for at Pebbles Beach and events like that.

5th September 2008, 07:46 PM
thats like 7500 calibras!
or 2 calibras and running costs!

8th September 2008, 10:02 AM
thats like 7500 calibras!
or 2 calibras and running costs!

bwaahahaha :D

9th September 2008, 08:52 AM
I too am not really surprised by that at all !!!

I mean if one of our locally produced early '70's muscle cars can fetch nearly $1,000,000 these days (GT Falcon HO) and that value is always climbing, then a rare Ferrari would be worth that much by comparison, since it always cost at least 10-20 times as much to begin with...

These category of cars are becomming a very good investment for people who can afford to purchase them in the 1st place...

It's much the same story for the new HSV W427 - 1st batch of 90 cars are already pre-sold and it is said ALL have been purchased by collectors hoping for a solid return on investment in years to come !!!

If I had $30m to blow on cars would I buy it ??? no...

With $30m to spend on cars, I'd rather have a whole collection, like J Leno, or John Laws, I could never be happy with just one vehicle, no matter how good or exotic and $30m would buy me dozens of very nice exotics :) oh and a GT-R for daily commutes :D