View Full Version : Wax: Loves Winter but Hates Summer?

28th October 2008, 04:31 PM
Until a couple of weeks ago, I didn't know the difference between Polish, Cut Polish and Wax. Then I learned that all I need for my car is wax.

I got a cheapie Turtle Wax Platinum ($20), and started waxing both my cars, and found thse interesting facts:

1. Water is actually beading. After the rain I can just drive within speed limit and the water will be gone with no marks or spots
2. When the weather is dry, my car attract dusts. The Vectra that I drive everyday is dusty, and the Calibra that only goes out once a week is much much worse, I cannot touch any part of the car without leaving fingerprint. The dust does not stick to the car; Slight dusting will get the dust off, but I still need to dust the car (while in rainy season I don't need to do a thing).

Did I get the wrong wax? Or they are all like that? Is the only solution for my Calibra is to invest on a car cover?

28th October 2008, 10:57 PM
Did I get the wrong wax?

No - cheaper waxes just dont last as long or dont bring out the colour as more expensive waxes - but at the end of the day - a $20 turtlewax or a $100 bottle of wax do the same thing - put an extra layer between the clearcoat and everything else.

(to all the detailing nuts - yes its a very simplistic explanation... :p )

29th October 2008, 09:40 AM
Does that mean most, if not all, wax really attract dust, although it does not stick?

29th October 2008, 10:22 AM
Until a couple of weeks ago, I didn't know the difference between Polish, Cut Polish and Wax. Then I learned that all I need for my car is wax.

I got a cheapie Turtle Wax Platinum ($20), and started waxing both my cars, and found thse interesting facts:

1. Water is actually beading. After the rain I can just drive within speed limit and the water will be gone with no marks or spots
2. When the weather is dry, my car attract dusts. The Vectra that I drive everyday is dusty, and the Calibra that only goes out once a week is much much worse, I cannot touch any part of the car without leaving fingerprint. The dust does not stick to the car; Slight dusting will get the dust off, but I still need to dust the car (while in rainy season I don't need to do a thing).

Did I get the wrong wax? Or they are all like that? Is the only solution for my Calibra is to invest on a car cover?

1st off, good to see someone who understands those differences in the products ;)

I always tell people to NOT 'wax and polish' their cars too often as each time you do, you wear out more surface coating regardless of product brand ! this should only be done a max. of 2 times a year...if you want to do it more often, then use a 'wax only' product, which will NOT polish or remove any coating !

My recommendation is 3M brand 'paste wax'... I've used this product for years now (even on my 13 year old Calibra) and the duco is still near perfect, with zero fade !

It too used to only be driven about once a week until about 2 and 1/2 years ago and I had the same problem with dust build up - but it wasn't because of the wax...

Any car even when garaged and not driven often will suffer from dust build up, in fact it happens to everything in the home too, leave furniture untouched for weeks or months and it'll have a massive layer of dust build up, it's just a fact of life...

What I do with all my garaged cars that don't get driven often is cover them up, but I don't use car covers, I use 100% cotton bed sheets put together to the appropriate size.

However if the car has been driven and is dirty, I don't cover it until it's been washed, because putting a cover over a dirty car, even the light weight cotton sheets I use, can cause scratching ;)

Hope that helps :)

29th October 2008, 10:39 AM
What I do with all my garaged cars that don't get driven often is cover them up, but I don't use car covers, I use 100% cotton bed sheets put together to the appropriate size.

That must be a very expensive exercise! All 100% cotton bed sheets I can find are Sheridans! :wall:

29th October 2008, 10:46 AM
That must be a very expensive exercise! All 100% cotton bed sheets I can find are Sheridans! :wall:

LOL not really, try spot lite stores ;) - I use queen size, a couple sewn together does the trick, they work out near perfect for most cars sizes :)

I even purchased them colour matching to the car, so I know which cover belongs to which car :)

29th October 2008, 11:01 AM
just to add, i think turtle wax is a carnauba wax, or a natural wax - i think this type of wax looks good, attracts dust and only lasts for one month to three months, depending on conditions.

you could try a synthetic wax (sometimes called a sealant) next time, they are supposed to last longer (6 months), not look quite as good, don't bead water as well, and are a bit easier on the dusting.

just what i've heard, maybe someone who's used both can give a better answer? i've always used carnauba but am trying synthetic next month to see what the difference is!