View Full Version : Petition against Roads in Syd East

4th March 2006, 09:48 PM
Hi all

Last week i was driving to work and hit a pot hole that dented the left side of my front bumper. Now totally furious at the council and local gov rep, i wanna start a petition so we can get our bloody roads fixed! for the past 2 years they have had signs posted "Roads to Recovery" stating that they're fixing our roads but they are only getting Worse! and have fixed a total of 3 roads in 2 yrs. If anyone is interested in joinin this petition or has any ideas pls post them cause i wanna see if there r more peeps in Syd that feel da same! I spend more time watchin 4 pot holes then the cars round me while i drive

Thanks guys.

5th March 2006, 12:51 AM
Haha... are roads in Eastern Sydney really that bad now? No wonder so many people who live there need to drive Land Rovers... :p

5th March 2006, 12:44 PM
dude, I know it's an interstate comparison, but I dont think a petition will work for ya where the council is concerned.

We had a petition signed so many times over for the council to maintain our dirt road because it was so bad at one point it was wrecking not only the road cars, but the 4wd's.

The argument we used was we pay rates, so why shouldn't we get the road maintained - especially considering they didn't provide rubbish collection that far out.

I know for a fact as well in Ipswich city, because most of the town is built on blacksoil and old mines down below, the roads tend to sink in a lot, as do the houses, and our area has signed many petitions to have Reif Street fixed, because it's sinking and there are huge dips that when you cant really see and hit them at 60kms an hour, you could rip your front bar off :eek:

as for your damage, I think you'll find you might have to take it to small claims court. Maybe you won't, hope you don't... you probably have a really good council there, from what Bassy tells me - it's the place to be :)

5th March 2006, 02:22 PM
Try a barina with 40 profile tyres and dropped 30mm or so........
going through edgecliff, i almost broke my back!!! nevermind my damn alignment!

5th March 2006, 04:06 PM
No wonder so many people who live there need to drive Land Rovers... :p

the ironic thing with what you have said is now Sydney councils are increasing parking permits for 4WD and charging them almost double than standard cars :mad:

so they won't fix the pot holes - which damage small cars, and put the rates up for 4WD's .. stupid councils !!

5th March 2006, 05:24 PM
the ironic thing with what you have said is now Sydney councils are increasing parking permits for 4WD and charging them almost double than standard cars :mad:

Really? I think that's really good news... they need to get them out of cities.

5th March 2006, 10:22 PM
I know a few of the regionals down here near Canberra aren't in the best financial situation. People which I work with live in these area's and have complained about the lack of maintenance on the road, and what a drama it is just to get them to come out with a grader twice a year to maintain the road. I have no idea how to run a council or how much a grader costs to hire or own & operate, but I could imagine there is sufficient revenue to provide a fairly basic service.

5th March 2006, 10:29 PM
do you know the worst thing I think about the whole maintainance of dirt roads as far as council is concerned, they won't let you touch it. Obviously for public liability, but someone like my Dad, who has a generic pass and is more then qualified to operate a grader/dozer you name it can't work on the roads.

ICC said no to allowing him to work on the road, and the only reason we needed to was because it flooded in 1996 causing mass wash outs and our home was inaccessable. Or rather, we couldn't leave.

It's a catch 22, we won't fix it, and if you attempt to fix it, we will sue you. So who fixes the bloody road?

6th March 2006, 07:08 PM
Charging 4wd more wont make a difference in the East cause 70% of homes near my place have got cars valued from $90,000 to ferrari and Masserati, Porsche and they wouldn't care less about increases in rego or permits. i was in a car park in Double Bay few days ago and No joke 1 level was full off silver bmw's and mercs! then u had my black astra. All snobs and wouldn't care less...

6th March 2006, 08:11 PM
ICC said no to allowing him to work on the road, and the only reason we needed to was because it flooded in 1996 causing mass wash outs and our home was inaccessable. Or rather, we couldn't leave.

It's a catch 22, we won't fix it, and if you attempt to fix it, we will sue you. So who fixes the bloody road?

The council has a responsibility to fix the road. Espcially in the event of flooding or other natural disasters. If they decline to fix it, you could probably go ahead and fix it yourself and if you injur yourself or get sued by the council, they would probably loose as they have essentially broken their duty of care to you. You could also argue that the road needed to be maintained in the event of a life threatening emergency. Just find someone along your street with a documented medical condition which may require emergency services.

If the road has been damaged so much that it cuts your access, go ahead and fix it. I won't guarantee that you won't get sued or win, I would advise you consult a solicitor who specialises in public law, but with the little legal education I have, and things I've picked up from working in a law firm, is that they would have a responsibility to fix the road after flooding etc.

6th March 2006, 10:51 PM
Given it was ten years ago - I think it's ok to say ;) besides the council know and didn't do anything - we fixed the road. Dad bought the machinary home one weekend... fixed :)

they just refused to fix it, we knew they were obliged to, but they claimed our road was not on the maintain list. Whatever that means.

Then over the years whenever pot holes would become too large, we would go down the paddock and get ant bed, lay it into the road, drive over it a few times, and problem was fixed, for the interim. Stopped doing that as we ran out of ant bed :p

29th March 2006, 03:09 PM
I agree, i live in the Eastern suburbs of Sydney, i.e. maroubra, and often head towards bondi beach area, shocking, when ur riding on 20's with 30 profile tyres, u feel every bump!

29th March 2006, 03:43 PM
when ur riding on 20's with 30 profile tyres, u feel every bump!
with those you'd probabaly feel running oven an ant!! :p