View Full Version : Competition Time...!!!!

3rd May 2004, 07:22 PM
It's Competition Time...!!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D

Ok people here's the lowdown. All you Corsa people complaining about the OPC Astra on the intro page have driven me to drastic measures.

We are giving everyone the chance to design the intro page. Yes, when people type http://www.opelaus.com the page they see could be yours..!!

And the prize is...????

A genuine OPC badge.
Plus an Opelaus email address.

The intro page only has to point to the forum: http://www.opelaus.com/phpBB2-3/portal.php

So, if you are interested, these are the rules.
1: You can use flash etc, but keep it small, remember people still have dialup.
2: If desperate and you need somewhere to host the intro page so others can see/judge let me (Wayne) know.
3: OpelAus retains the right to alter designs to suit as required. (Hopefully not..)
4: Judges decision is so totally final it's cruel.
5: Winner must pay all costs for OpelAus Staff to fly to Port Douglas for the Presentation. (hmm... ok joking here..)
6: The Staff of OpelAus take no responsibilty for anything..EVER..!!!
7: Opelaus Administrators become the owners of the pictures submitted and retain all rights to their use.

So get to it and start designing. Closing date is 23rd of May 2004. The winner announced (at Port Douglas) by 31st of May 2004.

3rd May 2004, 08:12 PM
I would, but dont have the time to atm...

3rd May 2004, 09:09 PM
I would, but dont have the time to atm...

me too, but i will give it a shot :D 8)

3rd May 2004, 09:13 PM
Wouldnt mind having a go

3rd May 2004, 10:05 PM
I have a nice, simple idea.... just dont have a clue how to make it.

Its simply a black shiny screen with a opel "Z" badge, crome and 3d like on the boot of a car. But insted of the "O" around the "Z" its a smoothed out map of Australia.

If that makes sense...?

4th May 2004, 09:34 AM
I have a nice, simple idea.... just dont have a clue how to make it.

Its simply a black shiny screen with a opel "Z" badge, crome and 3d like on the boot of a car. But insted of the "O" around the "Z" its a smoothed out map of Australia.

If that makes sense...?

yeah, thats a great idea - now lets see if someone has the photoshop skills to pull it off :)

4th May 2004, 01:27 PM
Just be aware that any changes to a corporate logo need approval by the Trade Mark holding/Registered company - Opel.

We don't want to be hauled over the coals for this one! That said. I've got one baking in the oven now for you all... and will approach Opel and plead our case.

Can I put out a request for some front on shots of a Barina and Vectra - preferrably with camera at bonnet height - so quite low. It is also preferable that they be black.

If you wanna get your car washed and provide one, that would be awesome...

4th May 2004, 04:45 PM
Rhino, good thinking about trademark etc. The Opel logo and name ARE trademark here in Australia...

4th May 2004, 05:02 PM
I might have a Play around @ Work to design Something.
Thats if I'm still allowed on the Computers after today. :roll:

4th May 2004, 05:46 PM
heres my first attempt

4th May 2004, 06:40 PM
heres my first attempt

hahah what happened to tassie???

did i somehow change our URL to www.opel.com.au ???

must have done that in my sleep......

4th May 2004, 08:48 PM
Im thinking along the lines of a chrome opel badge, positioned upon a black background, and the word "Aus" written in heavy red running writing, so that the top left corner of A overlaps the bottom right hand corner of the L in opel....

Many performance shops in sydney have followed the rule. Looks great IMO.

I would have a go, but why would we want a cheap front page? LOL

Seriously guys, this makes or breaks us. A dodgy front page would dictate the status of our club among he ublic. We want a front page that we can morph into stickers in the future, and a universal font that is easily recognizable as ours.

4th May 2004, 08:54 PM
Autumn acid...

You are very right. A great intro page is a key element. I an so sure that we have some really good web/graphics people whether they are pro or hobby that can do a great job.

4th May 2004, 09:15 PM
Anyone studied copyrighting?

Don't I now hold the intelectual copyright fot using a crome badge on a black background type thing?

:wink: :wink: :?:

4th May 2004, 09:28 PM
lol, as far as im aware, opel have the trademark to the opel badge, and a black backgorund can't be copyrighted.

But to tell you the truth sparksy, I drew inspiration from your idea, and morphed it with my own idea. :)

4th May 2004, 09:37 PM
I guess its time to see if I learnt anything worthwhile @uni..

<drinks coffee and plays around with paintshop>

4th May 2004, 11:30 PM
ok guys here is a jpeg of my first submission.. i can easily convert to html and slices if needed

5th May 2004, 07:33 PM

We have raised the bar for the Prize.

Not only is a genuine, in the GM packet, OPC badge up for grabs, but an Opelaus email address as well.

So that means that the winner will have a limited Opelaus email address.

ie.. winner@opelaus.com But your nickname instead....

Get into it people...!!!!

5th May 2004, 07:38 PM
Can we enlist the help of outsiders, and not want a prize?

I'm seriously not in it for the prize, man.

5th May 2004, 07:39 PM
Entirely up to you......

5th May 2004, 07:42 PM
Btw, opel_calibra. looks awesome man. I really like the concept, but the fonts have to change to something more unique to opel.

Can you try doing it again using the true opel font?

6th May 2004, 01:28 PM
does any1 know what the opel font is called?

6th May 2004, 01:37 PM
here's my attempt!

6th May 2004, 01:42 PM
oh yeah, i'll tell you the opel font if you give me an OPC badge :P

6th May 2004, 03:29 PM
i left tasssie out because of cencor ship issues on this site it looks like rude bits :shock: and i had no idea what this web site name is i just click on corsa and im here

6th May 2004, 04:39 PM
opel_calibra i like the idea that you actually used members cars in the pic's makes it more personal and realistic!!

6th May 2004, 06:53 PM
opel_calibra i like the idea that you actually used members cars in the pic's makes it more personal and realistic!!
I agree, I thinks its great how you've used members cars for your page mate good work! :lol:
Also it shows all model OPELs in there not just astra's.

6th May 2004, 07:36 PM
i hope no one minds me using their car on the homepage.. does everyone agree that i should change the font? or do we like it the way it is>?

6th May 2004, 09:06 PM
is it ok to submit more than 1?

6th May 2004, 10:43 PM
yep u can submit asmany as u like.... we want to have alarge selection to choose from and judge

6th May 2004, 10:56 PM
i hope no one minds me using their car on the homepage.. does everyone agree that i should change the font? or do we like it the way it is>?
No man its awesome I have no problem with it http://members.aol.com/browrob549/emo/common076.gif

7th May 2004, 05:25 PM
OK! i hand up my assignments on the 12th, and i'm gonna try out for this!
Got a few ideas in mind, so watch out peoples!

7th May 2004, 06:38 PM
i hope no one minds me using their car on the homepage.. does everyone agree that i should change the font? or do we like it the way it is>?

Good idea , think it gives the site a more personal tiouch .

Nice work


8th May 2004, 05:19 PM
It'll be great if someone knows how to do flash.
It'll be even better if i was the face of opelaus.

8th May 2004, 10:48 PM
Design 1

Now before everyone flies off the handle and flames me for having another bloody Astra as the pic, I have put out a request for photos of black cars with similar persepective to work in with this. If you have one, please send it to me, full resolution, so I can incorporate it.

Something along the lines of... Vectra/Calibra half and half in the middle, Astra/Corsa half on each side.

Admittedly, it will be a little harder for the Zafira, but callies, corsa, veccy, are same sorta shape - well enough for me to work with anyway...

I think this design has got some potential. And if you want a second opinion, ask me again :lol:

BTW: It's looks great on a full screen black background

And another thing... still searching approval for the Australia shaped Opel logo... If anyone can fast track this and help me out that would be awesome - otherwise, normal Opel flash badge will go on.

8th May 2004, 10:50 PM
Design 2

8th May 2004, 11:23 PM
Now we're getting there...!!!!

Good work people...!!!!

8th May 2004, 11:31 PM
I was working on one, but after seeing the above two, i think im out... :(

Ah well, those look great Rhino. :)

9th May 2004, 12:03 AM
love the first one :)

9th May 2004, 12:10 PM
heres another one for you all to take a look and.. let me know what you think


9th May 2004, 02:58 PM
i prefer the other one you designed....

or try the 2nd one with some opel cars scattered in the background even do them like watermark backgrounds so it is just the outline?

not sure just giving you ideas


9th May 2004, 03:08 PM
i love that first one of yours Rhino

9th May 2004, 04:29 PM
Design 3

9th May 2004, 04:58 PM
Rhino - by any chance are you a graphic designer or something similar? :)

9th May 2004, 05:00 PM
wow this is a boring sunday for me.. oh well ill just keep designing... heres another

9th May 2004, 05:11 PM
Design 2

Mate I love both of them. Especially the badge!! Very nice work.

9th May 2004, 05:17 PM
Rhino - by any chance are you a graphic designer or something similar? :)

Yar. Graphic Designer for the Ed. Dept. of WA.

I went a little bit Jap car racer on this one... its in development.

9th May 2004, 05:21 PM
Mate I love both of them. Especially the badge!! Very nice work.

The badge was all your idea fella. I'm getting emotional. The teamwork, the love, the commeradery...

9th May 2004, 05:24 PM
They are all looking very good. Any picture that has my car in it, or a photo that I took, gets my thumbs up :wink:

Is there anything wrong with having a few pictures and just randomising the startup screen? Or have a new one each month?

Maybe if somebody REALLY has a lot of time they can develop a new skin for the whole site.

13th May 2004, 01:26 PM
whats an OPC badge?

and is this comp still running?

13th May 2004, 01:30 PM
And Rhino.. youre pretty damn good at this :)

Hmmm.. i wanna have a go at this (being a web designer).. but im overloaded with work at the moment :(

I might try and make one this weekend. but i doubt it. :\

13th May 2004, 02:44 PM
Opel Calibra and Rhino , top work guys , these designs are looking great , i dont know which is better..

13th May 2004, 02:49 PM
whats an OPC badge?

and is this comp still running?

OPC = Opel Performance Centre
The HSV of Opel if you will.

And yes...i beleive its still open.

13th May 2004, 05:43 PM
yes its still running...

not sure what an OPC badge is.....look up OPC in ebay....you'll find one there

Now you guys are starting to make it hard for us to decide the winner......

great work ppls!

13th May 2004, 06:00 PM
The OPC badge up as a prize is a genuine GM badge that is found on Opel OPC cars.

It is chrome, not black.

13th May 2004, 07:42 PM
when will we see rhino's work on the site :D

14th May 2004, 12:20 AM
Opel Calibra and Rhino , top work guys , these designs are looking great , i dont know which is better..
Wow I like totally agree you two have got some awesome ideas personally I like the ones with more than just astras in them there my faveroite, anyway guys. Im impressed http://members.aol.com/browrob549/emo/common076.gif

14th May 2004, 08:11 AM
Iam impressed those designs look great Rhino, specially the 1st one.

14th May 2004, 09:48 AM
sydneyrnb.com? hmmm..

get me an irmscher rear valence, and i'll make a kickass startpage for this site :P

14th May 2004, 11:23 AM
You're not gonna make me 'turn it up' are ya RK?

14th May 2004, 12:06 PM
yours are pretty freakin good. i dont think i should bother.

maybe later though :) bit too busy of late.
I'll prolly make one after the comp is over. no biggie.

15th May 2004, 11:43 AM
ok kiddies, i told a friend of mine to have a go at it and he's come up with this:
http://www.msnusers.com/_Secure/0VAAAAN8ZiFQ2gBSqgmniUn5PNXiX2gyRv4ANwa3Nhy5etcJvW v4OF82A78QvG4ZBEBX9eP4cb!MwdhegvQSqpt2us9*MKQFW9Od njgoYdJU2e7KcyvQ3s4X6NZbtzGAj/Opel%20Team%20final.jpg?dc=4675472230965081392

16th May 2004, 10:06 PM
not bad but dont like the green photoshop car .... loving the purple vectra c on the left though 8)

17th May 2004, 06:37 PM
the green car is the zafira. i can get him to change it, if that's what everyone wants?

The Godfather
17th May 2004, 08:16 PM
And u call that a Zafira!@? :evil:

17th May 2004, 08:26 PM
AHAHAHA the Godfather has spoken!

Wayne, we're having a rather large cruise this w/e as you know... maybe extend the date so that we can get some really good pics of cars for the page... what do you think?

18th May 2004, 11:21 PM
another one for my collection... this time i took a different approach

18th May 2004, 11:22 PM
thats different AND nice!!!
Good work!

19th May 2004, 12:10 PM
oooh thats pretty opel_calibra

19th May 2004, 02:51 PM
Ok Boys & Girls,

So, here's my humble little contribution. :)

"Fow f****n' boring" you may say to yourselves. I don't mind. Sledge away!
What it IS though, is simple, clean, attractive, and quick to load.

That's all I think we really need now, isn't it?

Blue Mts.

19th May 2004, 07:54 PM
It's all good peeps! by the end of this comp, i reckon we'll have an alternating front page for each month.

19th May 2004, 07:56 PM
Frank, i like your mates font, but the car... nah. something different.

24th May 2004, 02:51 PM
has the competition closed now?

31st May 2004, 01:49 AM
i started working on one, maybe ready next couple of days

31st May 2004, 08:01 AM
No... We'll let it go for a while longer....

3rd June 2004, 02:38 PM
im liking Rhino's second one on the second page.... with the 2 astras facing each other

5th June 2004, 04:43 AM
Someone was telling me that'll look great without the astras, as no1 could get upset over it. So......
http://www.msnusers.com/_Secure/0SQBoHc8WlGLwM4Bq6X8djJS8AHpOOem49YSiGmLypLtqIie5N BomFclFqLDeXCEAPdx9FmLict9Hq8JfjNK6BqdOksYZ83ihYww M5jRSq5xiVadur6Gz1w/opelaus2.jpg?dc=4675475076827820656

You've done well Rhino, I'm no inside trader but :wink:

6th June 2004, 01:57 PM
Get that bloody lens flare off my picture!

8th June 2004, 04:56 PM
Yesss Master! Shine your shoe too master? Make'em all nice and mighty fine for ya master.

8th July 2004, 06:08 PM
Hey Everyone...!!!

Well, it's all over... FINALLY....

After much deliberation and pizza, we have the winner.

Rhino has the honour of the frontpage. Congratulations to him from the OpelAus Staff. And as promised he will be receiving a genuine OPC badge. And Rhino has elected to be presented in person. He has financed at great expense a trip to WA for me..!! Thanks mate..!!

Seriously though, I will be in Perth to hand it over in person.

Now before everyone cracks the absolute ####'s we actually found a solution. Have a look at the top of the page. Notice something..?? Yep. It's a Member's car.!! From now on, we will regularly rotate the image at the top of the page with Member's cars. We felt this was a better solution as it gets more exposure.

The pic will soon link to a page that is going to be called featured car of the month. People have been asking for this too. So hey we have combined a few ideas together..!!!

So This is how it will work. If you wish to have your car featured:
1: You will need to email me a zipfile with 5 images of your car.
2: The images are to be no bigger than 800x600 and in jpg format.
3: A complete written text of your car's details etc.

We will take it from there.
